Helixx S4 X (25mg – 60 capsules)

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S4 X is one of the most extensively researched SARMs out there. The majority of these studies have been to determine the efficacy of Andarine as a treatment for muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and hypogonadism. Studies found that S4 X not only maintains lean muscle, it actually promotes growth. One study saw muscle mass increase by 1-1.5 kg in just 90 days, without any changes in the subject’s exercise routine or diet. The study also saw a decrease in body fat thanks to the fact that S4 X breaks down stored fat. Throughout the studies, there have been no reports of any adverse side effects from Andarine usage.



S4 X functions as a SARM and SARMs work by binding to the androgen receptor. In binding, S4 X changes the structure of the receptor and encourages the growth of bone and muscle tissue. This effect is similar to other SARMs, but S4 is extremely selective in its anabolic activity.



S4 X causes an increase in anabolic hormones which allows more protein to be used for muscle building, thereby increasing muscle mass. Studies show that Andarine has roughly 30% of the overall strength of testosterone when binding to the androgen receptors, which is a significantly high percentage. Using S4 allows you to desensitize the androgen receptors, which allows for testosterone to be focused on building muscle and burning fat.



Andarine shares similar traits to steroids such as Anavar and Winstrol but it produces better gains without the risk of adverse side effects. S4 X reduces lipoprotein lipase, which is an enzyme responsible for storing fat. Additionally, S4 X breaks down stored fat and converts it to an energy source. Reduced body fat can improve vascularity and give you a more chiselled look overall. One of the great things about S4 X is that is does not cause joint pain when lifting, and it doesn’t induce water retention which many other SARMs do.



S4 X is not the most effective SARM for bulking – it’s beat out by both LGD X and RAD X. However, S4 X does have the unique benefit of better utilizing the calories that are consumed when bulking, which will allow you to maintain a lean look even when adding on bulk.



Unfortunately, Andarine can cause issues with the user’s eyes. Many people report experiences of night time blindness or altered colour perception while using this SARM. S4 X does bind to the eye receptors, which is likely the root of these issues. The good news is these conditions are not permanent and the eyes will return to a regular state eventually.

Andarine has only a small effect on the growth of major organs such as the prostate, heart, liver and kidneys. There are no significant changes in the LDL/HDL ratio, which means it has an incredibly low cardiovascular risk. Andarine will not change secondary sex characteristics. This means no male breast formation developing in the post cycle recovery stage. Additionally, there will be no decrease in testosterone during post cycle recovery. Short post cycle recovery is roughly 4 weeks.

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